A gorgeous, bright, richly saturated basket will decorate any interior and will be a great gift for your loved one and special person. The basket contains a mix of real preserved and dried flowers, pines, garden roses, hydrangea, gypsophila and eucalyptus. Decorated with a burgundy velvet bow. 

The basket size is 8 inches in width, 4 inches  in depth and 11 in height. The full size of the entire arrangement with flowers is 18 inches wide and 12 inches high.

All flowers are real flowers that will last three year or longer.

All preserved products are real, natural flowers that have been treated with a plant-based and biodegradable preservation liquid. No toxic ingredients are used.

How to take care of  preserved flowers:

Avoid any contact with water

Keep in a cool, dry place

Avoid direct sunlight

Dust may accumulate over time, use a light gentle brush or gentle dust blower

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